Lack of updates?

The official homepage of Diskodiktator has been sadly slow these past weeks. I blame work, and I blame love. Most of my spare time has been put into a couple of friends homepage – – and I urge you to visit it! Sure, the music may not be to your liking, but they’ve got a smashing bird in the band and that should be promoted! 🙂

The biography, the news archive and the guestbook is still not functioning, but we’re working on it. Still the main concern of a band is to produce songs, not homepages… Pretty soon there will be enough songs for a second album – and preliminary plans targets early 2003 to see the birth of the second Diskodiktator album!

Also, word has been spread that Swedish magazine Zero reviewed ”…We Are” and gave it a stunning 4 out of 5, but that is still unconfirmed…