Författare: Wayback Machine

  • MP3.com shuts down

    As of December 2 this year, MP3.com will no longer be online to feed your hunger for unsigned bands. CNET Networks has bought the whole enchillada and will probably try to divert as many users as possibly to other services. If you are one of the lucky ones to still actually be an active member…

  • Minor updates…

    Not really something to brag about, but today I spent some hours updating the old news so that all the previous pictures will actually show when you view them. Sounds strange? Just visit the old news and see what I mean…

  • Remixes/new version

    So, finally the new homepage is finished – but we do have more up our sleeve: This very minute we are putting the final touches to the rerecorded songs that are going to be included on the forthcoming album and I dare say that this is going to be the best album we have ever…

  • Move complete!

    Wonderful news! The move from San Fransisco to Malmö is finally over… It just took some 28 days to complete.

  • New homepage – again!

    So, we felt that with the move and all we might as well start from scratch and built a bigger better homepage… Please bear with us that there might be some glitches and bugs these first days.

  • Moving in progress, Pt 423

    Seems like the two companies that handles the move of this homepage from one server in San Fransisco to one located in Malmö aren’t too happy about each other which leads to this homepage being stuck somewhere in the middle… But we ARE moving to a bigger and faster server. It’s just taking a while…

  • We’re still moving…

    Seems like things aren’t going that fast on the super digital information highway… But we are moving, slowly. More information about this event and more will follow.

  • We’re moving…

    As you’re reading this we’re in the process of moving DISKODIKTATOR.COM from a server in San Fransisco to a server in Sweden. Bear with us…

  • We love rock’n’roll

    Happy birthday Joan Jett! The singer was born in Philadelphia, USA in 1960 and used to be fronting the band The Blackhearts. The classic track ”I Love Rock’n’Roll” is one of the most well known and sought after Karaoke hits. Perhaps the most famous karaoke version is sung by Brittney Spears…