Månad: mars 2004
People in the news
Seems like atleast a few people showed up to enjoy the double headline show and signing at ”Bengans” in Göteborg yesterday. Children Within and Sista mannen på jorden both performed some songs from their new albums and signed records for the people who were there. Anyway, it was nice to be back in Göteborg, and…
Godfather Pt.1
Congratulations and shouts go out to Johans sister for bringing yet another new human being into the world!
A long time ago the plan was set-up, and now it seems like it is finally going to happen! For the first time in DISKODIKTATOR history we will be seen in vivid colour photographs – official band pictures are to be taken next week… Until then – this is what Johan and Magnus looked like…
Chicks can dig you!
Are you feeling lonely or depressed? Scientific data show that 89 percent of people interested in DISKODIKTATOR shows a substancial increase in shown interest from the opposite sex. A coinsidence? We think not…