Månad: december 2002
More album related news
With exclusive right we publish a picture of one of the lucky winners in our free album give-away…
What the critics say…
Without permission, here is a sample of what our friends at Zero Music Magazine wrote about us in the latest issue (#3/2002): ”We Are…’ contains a bunch of familiar tracks for anyone who has ever visited their homepage and downloaded any of the songs the band so generously supplies. But, since the songs have all…
Your Diskodiktator needs you!
We’re about to release a new CD, but since costs are high and we’re all so very poor we’re now looking for alternative ways to rally up enough money, not only to produce a new CD but also for the maintenance of this homepage… Please click here to learn more, or click the button below…
Last month contained…
…a whole lot of love. Extensive work on the forthcoming album and probably a whole bunch of other things. Visit the News Archive if you feel like catching up with Diskodiktator…