Månad: februari 2002

  • Eddie Bengtsson

    Maybe this will cheer him up? 🙂

  • Heads on to international stardom!

    Loyal Diskodiktator fans might remember the remix we did for the Scandinavian Space Girls; TriGirlz… You might also remember that nothing happened for a very long time, and that the remix was available for download but was later removed… Anyhow, now we’ve signed a contract for this remix for inclusion on a TriGirlz single. Maybe…

  • The Remix Competition

    Electric Daydream from Berlin, Germany produced the winning remix! Download it by clicking here. Read more…

  • Last month in a box

    Much happened last month – so much we’ve been too busy updating this page for a while… So, stay tuned and feel free to browse the news archive if you need a little catching up with Diskodiktator… If you want to read earlier news, please visit the News Archive…